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Tropics (Ed. Lunwerg)


This book that you see here is the fruit of a year of work. Here there are embodied fears, dreams, real and imaginary situations, people who exist and I know and people who do not. Here are colors and there are shadows. There are eyes (many) and there is some text, although you know very well that I am not a writer.

In short, I am scared to death because Tropics has been released by the hand of  Lunwerg Editors  and what is embodied there is my most real self. 200 pages of drawings not yet  seen the light ... And they are all yours, because thanks to your support I have been able to do this and it belongs in part to you.

You can find it for sale at  Amazon ,  Fnac,  House of the book,  ECI ... And if you are not in Europe, you can buy it here: Bookdepository

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